Insurance Claims
We have Engineers with considerable experience dealing with diagnosis and rectification of damage arising from causes covered by Building Insurance policies, for example:
Subsidence, heave and landslip
Impact damage from vehicles
Escape of water
Accidental damage to underground services
Our instructions come from either the property owner, Insurer or their appointed Loss Adjuster to investigate as appropriate, determine the extent of the necessary remedial work, prepare a Specification and administer the repair scheme to completion.
Although the contract of insurance is between the policyholder and the insurance company, we find that some Insurers delegate the settlement of claims to an external Claims Management Company. We are able to provide independent advice should you require.
If a claim is being handled in its entirety by Insurer's appointed Claims Management Company then occasionally there can be a breakdown of relationships between the policyholder and the Insurer or their Claims Management Company. This could be where there is a dispute over the cause of damage, the proposed remedial works or a difficult set of circumstances, resulting in a dispute over the correct remedial repairs . In this instance, we offer an unbiased report which can facilitate a resolution and we often take over the running of the claim to a mutually satisfactory conclusion.
Our expertise on engineering matters has also proven beneficial to Insurers and Loss Adjusters dealing with claims arising from damage to Third Party property, including that arising from contract works.